The PASCG team has nearly 20 years of experience in the development and administration of assessment centers, especially designed for public safety agencies. Our assessment centers are designed to meet all legal, professional, and agency standards; provide a valid and reliable means of selecting and promoting talent; and utilize an unbias
The PASCG team has nearly 20 years of experience in the development and administration of assessment centers, especially designed for public safety agencies. Our assessment centers are designed to meet all legal, professional, and agency standards; provide a valid and reliable means of selecting and promoting talent; and utilize an unbiased and transparent approach. Each assessment center is customized to meet the needs of the department and the specific rank being tested. All assessment engagements include, at a minimum, tailored testing plans, candidate orientation sessions, assessor recruitment and training, secure assessment development and administration, score compilation, and candidate feedback reports.
We develop customized multiple-choice written examinations for all ranks. These examinations may be developed as a standalone product or as part of a suite of services (e.g., with an assessment center). PASCG provides all scoring services, including item analyses, as part of the client engagement, and we can also administer your examinations and provide pass-point setting consultation.
PASCG provides additional testing services, including structured oral interviews; practical examinations, including driver/engineer pumping and driving exercises; and situational judgment tests. These testing services are available in addition to or in lieu of assessment centers and written, multiple-choice examinations, and they are designed to meet all legal and professional standards.
PASCG provides additional services for public safety agencies, such as conducting job analysis studies; developing and updating job descriptions; and reviewing and updating policies, procedures, and collective bargaining agreements. Contact us for more information.